Everyone should have a special place. Their own little piece of heaven. An escape. This is mine.

"Give me a memory worth dying for...give me tonight."

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Hot males the world should know by heart.

    So, what I am about with this post? Well...honestly? I'm merely a humble server of the superior powers. They have spoken and they want me to right a wrong. That's right. They have kindly put on this earth superior sentient gifts for us women to delate and feast our eyes upon and they are not receiving its due attention. Gifts, you say? Perhaps you may be more familiar with the tacky term of male candy, which, in my opinion, does not do justice to the men herein this post, for it degrades them to a meat bar level.
Each day I'll be presenting a new face for us to know and love...
Let the countdown begin:
10)  Kit Harrington:
I relegated him to the tenth spot not because he doesn't deserve number one but because he is somewhat known by those who watch GAME OF THRONES...and if you haven't watched that show: SHAME ON YOU- I write this while mentally doing the Uncle Sam gesture of pointing judgmentally at you.

Back to the main affair. This hairy manly man plays the character of Jon Snow in the HBO series, and let me just say that he does a fantastic job out of it--so yeah, I also watch it for the plot-*grins*-.
This english babe is 26 years old and single (or so he claims and I hope). For all those who are just as me, here is an interesting quote from his interview with glamour magazine's in which he reveals what he is looking for in a girlfriend:

"She's got to be funny. I like a girl who does not take me seriously, you know? It's important to be able to laugh at each other," the single star says. "And I like a girl who eats. I much prefer that she order the burger."

    Well, color me interested and put a ring on it! LOL. Ok, enough of words, show me his money maker! You dirty minded-you! I meant his face! 

Rarrrr, right?
I just want to run my finger in that unruly hair of his. And then give them free rein to go crazy with the rest of him--yep, making my parent proud one word at the time!-.
Look at him, working the thinker pose! Work it, babe. 
Oh my nerd! Let's take a few minutes to fully appreciate how hot he looks with glasses. Not everybody can get away with that! 
Here is another powerful reason why to love this man. HE EFFING KNOWS JASON MOMOA!!!! You would be all like: so, hon, what you wanna do tonight? and he would answer something like: why don't we go out with Jason? and then you'll try--but will fail miserably- to hide your excitement by playing it down, so you'll be like: oh, ok, cool. no biggie, I mean, if that's what you want, 'cause I sure don't mind. But Kit will not get mad at you; first off, he is not the jealous type- that's for insecure, ugly people, and secondly, the two of you have an arrangement, you can look but you can't touch, but most importantly, at the end of the night you own each other's ass- I know, I can be romantic like that. 
That'll be all for today. 
Stay tuned for more HOTTIES with a Body and Talent, of course, that's important, too... 
Trust me there will be more . Until tomorrow, my doves.   

This photo was taken from: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTA2NTI0NjYxMTBeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU3MDIxMjgyNzY@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg

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